Press Release Writing for Vision and Mission

Bucharest Sunset 2018

Missions and visions for companies or teams can be confusing. The way I understand them, and practice them, is that a Vision is the exact future of any team or company, a future that is better than where they are today. Naming, precisely, what in the world, or in the company, that group has successfully worked to change. 

That change typically comes in the form of a new thing (app, process, invention, or award for service) created or achieved. A team’s Mission is the tactics used, or items created, to get to that thing or place in the future, to see that Vision as real.

That’s where creating a press-release helps ground this concept. Each member of a vision team would have an exact picture of this Vision and be able to articulate it in the form of a short impactful headline and even be able to define, in an aspiration article, what exactly is improved and how things were made different in a year or even five years from that point.

This articulation is the mission, or a series of small objectives, however the team best divides up achieving this Vision. For more on where I heard this concept originate, see this article on how Amazon uses this method for technical features.

By Van

Accomplished human-centered designer, impassioned leader, enthusiastic educator and perennial learner. Versatile craftsman and thinker, facilitating solutions for positive change through empathy-driven ideas.