Feelin’ it

“Can I not go to school? I’m just not feeling it today.” – my five-year-old asked.

Boy, was I ready to threaten and scold..to tell her about “how the real world works!”

Then I paused. I reflected on what I want to be remembered for as a dad. It became apparent that even 5-year-olds need “personal days.” Christmas break was a little stressful for us; maybe she’s still feeling it.

If her being here, today slows me down; I can make up for it. But I can’t always make up for being an angry, non-flexible, non-empathetic overlord—a lesson I’ll take to work when my expectations aren’t met.

Oh, and don’t worry, she can’t watch TV or her iPad today OR tomorrow, an offer she negotiated herself.

By Van

Accomplished human-centered designer, impassioned leader, enthusiastic educator and perennial learner. Versatile craftsman and thinker, facilitating solutions for positive change through empathy-driven ideas.