God origin? By way of Marvel Comics

What if God was an astronaught/scientist who piloted a space craft into a void billions of years ago? What if he/she tried to use a device to create himself/herself a new planet/area/ecosystem to survive on? What if the experiment/plan went wrong and he/she caused an impossibly large and powerful explosion, and became apart of the fring of the Big Bang itself?

Maybe this being is forever riding an explosive wave of cosmic consciousness, creative energy and pain, forever aware of us, of all life, trapped in/apart of an experiment gone “wrong”.





Posted via email from Van’s Posterous

Ten Years Ago Tonight

I was driving home from Pratt via McGuiness Blvd and I saw the twin towers for the last time.

It was a foggy, rainy night and while heading north I could see them out my left window rising above the clouds very triumphantly over the heavy weather.

I felt really proud. Pride is what I’d always felt when I saw the “two brothers”. I kept driving, blowing proud puffs of smoke out my window, glancing at them and smiling.

“This is the greatest city on earth.” I thought to myself

Then it happened, for almost 10-15 seconds the towers were gone. A heavy cloud moved in front of them blocking all their light and volume. I was frozen.

I was extremely tired and when I noticed they weren’t there I did a quick double take, my heart skipped a beat and of course I immediately realized that they were just covered by a very large rain cloud.

But that 15 second gap of visibility felt like an hour.

When they reappeared I thought to myself: “Thank God those towers are never going anywhere, thank God.”


Posted via email from Van’s Posterous

A Young Mind

Hanging with my nephews today reminded me of how important it is to stay inventive, to stay unattached to grown up assumptions and ideas.I think it was the moment in this photo. I took a couple of snaps on my phone and they were hamming it up. For one shot the older nephew Charlie said: “I’ll pretend I’m asleep.” Max, his younger brother by 4 years said: “Ok, and I’ll lay on you.” He did, then stuck out his tongue spontaneously.At almost five years old he was able to invent a moment just by trying to be different and a bit silly. I can really identify with that.

Thanks, I love you guys.





Posted via email from Van’s Posterous