How to Design for Mental Illness (Pt.2)

Many mental states of distress may cause tunnel vision. When designing The Wellness Center’s outdoor spaces–including way-finding graphics and indoor signage, as well as digital experiences and printed material–I wanted to offer guidelines for those experiencing tunnel vision. These principles would enable Red Clay’s Vision Team to refine ideas and move forward on the overall design and planning of The Wellness Sanctuary.

To recap: this sanctuary will focus on assisting the Pike Creek/Newark, Delaware area community with a remedies for a variety of maladies. Below, I offer four principles to act as guidelines:

  1. Clear And Easily Readable Graphics and Symbols
  2. High-Contrast Narrow Color Palette Outdoors, Brighter Broader Primary Colors Indoors, More Progressive Color Palettes for Digital Materials
  3. Strong Simple Typography
  4. Direct, Caring and Compassionate Messaging and Tone

In all of the work that I do as a designer, I draw inspiration from the talented experts I have seen exhibited, worked alongside or had as mentors. In particular, for this project, I am focusing on the work done by designers Massimo Vingelli and Ladislav Sutnar for inspiration.


Vignelli Sketch from approx. 1972
I found this sketch in the Massimo Vingelli collection at the Cooper Hewitt Design Library. It’s a pen and ink drawing, and for me it illustrates the organic, yet calculated symmetry Vignelli utilized in the 1972 redesign of the NYC Subway System.


For the redesign of the New York City Subway System in 1972, Vingelli employs the Helvetica typeface and high-contrast colors to produce quiet symmetry with his way finding graphics, train classification symbols and informational posters.

As a child, reading these signs, and gaining direction from them was a seamless experience. After I learned the basics of the subway’s visual language, I was able to comprehend the complex network of information quickly and confidently with minimal effort. The major directional signage is all black with stark white Helvetica print and large, well-balanced, commanding arrows. The signs stand out against the white tile walls, the concrete stairs and the beige cement platforms. The size of these large black and white signs mirrors the size of the subway windows, and the smaller black and white detail signs provide more details pertaining to trains and routes.


Showing the relationship between platform sign, smaller detail sign and subway windows


Ladislav Sutnar’s work is a new discovery for me. He is a master of information design. I would even give him the ad hoc title Grandfather of Modern Infographics and Flat Design. He uses color and shape more progressively than Vignelli does in his subway design work. His taste in typography is modern, with a Bauhaus feel. His graphics are mostly asymmetrical yet balanced, providing a flat visual hierarchy for readers.


Excellent example of Sutnar’s use of asymmetry, progressive typography and color palette.

As The Wellness Center develops its marketing materials, using a brighter color palette, and a more lively and affable graphic aesthetic and tone, may be a good way to broadcast its services to the community.

I’ve really just begun to think about how these guidelines and key examples may impact future deliverables, but it helps to keep them in mind.

To step back for a moment and think about how I am framing this case study, I have decided that I do not want to talk about “designing for mental illness.” This is a potentially draining, negative way to think about this project. Instead, I want think about designing for wellness, with a specific focus on the following question: How can graphics and tone used in a physical public space, in the more intimate space of a printed pamphlet, and in the general and multifaceted world of digital experiences, aid the healing process for those suffering under the weight of mental, physical or spiritual burdens?

I think I’ve begun to scratch the surface here with these guidelines, and I’m hoping others with similar design experience can give feedback, ideas and support on this journey.

In the next post I will give an update on how Delaware state and various nonprofits have begun to come together to support our cause.


My Subconscious at Work

I’ve been working part of the day.

I’ve been playing part of the day.

I’ve been thinking really hard all day.

My ideal process is a mix of all of the above. I sketched out a wireframe idea earlier, and I really liked it. For the product I’m working on I see no other possible solution. Which is a dangerous place to be. My mind actually closed, so that’s when I had to stop.

I put any further production on the idea to the back burner for the moment, shuffling it off to my subconscious and now it’s up to my instincts to revisit and think on it.

Lets see what a few hours away and a good night’s sleep will produce.

Vision Architecture

Last week in my Information Architecture class at NYU SCPS, I asked the students to form teams and quickly come up with business ideas roughing out their high-level vison, taxonomy and functionality using a card sorting exercise.

For homework, I stretched the assignment unusually, asking that each student conceive a 3 year plan for each of the businesses.

When we met yesterday in the second class, I asked that they analyze each individual plan as a team and reassess their business idea that had been formed the week before.

To make it more interesting, I introduced them to and recommended they paste all of their individual plans into this portal and analyze which words seemed to dominate the descriptions of the ideas. I then recommended they analyze the similarities and see if it helped evolve the vision.

My intention was that they look beyond their biases and view the business and its vision from a different angle, focusing their efforts not only on architecting the information and content that went into these websites and potential features, but also to critique, redefine and reaffirm the companies’ visions that had been birthed a week earlier.

I believe that designers need to be able to study ideas and feedback and think through a company’s vision; to own it and its business needs, making their work more informed, more precise and easier to understand. Not only to help architect the information within those services, but more importantly, to also architect the vison that leads those services.