My Subconscious at Work

I’ve been working part of the day.

I’ve been playing part of the day.

I’ve been thinking really hard all day.

My ideal process is a mix of all of the above. I sketched out a wireframe idea earlier, and I really liked it. For the product I’m working on I see no other possible solution. Which is a dangerous place to be. My mind actually closed, so that’s when I had to stop.

I put any further production on the idea to the back burner for the moment, shuffling it off to my subconscious and now it’s up to my instincts to revisit and think on it.

Lets see what a few hours away and a good night’s sleep will produce.

By Van

Accomplished human-centered designer, impassioned leader, enthusiastic educator and perennial learner. Versatile craftsman and thinker, facilitating solutions for positive change through empathy-driven ideas.